Over the years I have learned a lot about cloth diapering, one skill being cleaning those suckers. I've used both top loaders and front loaders to wash my dipes and I have to say that top loaders are 100% the best for washing. Top loaders fill right up and use lots of water, something that cloth dipes need!! I also really like being able to soak my dipes right in the washer without having to stick my hands in to wring them out (I've done that and it's gross!!!).
The year we lived with a front loader (for those who use one no offense to you if you love your's, I just had the worst experience with mine so I'm a bit biased) I battled the stinkies almost every time I washed a load of diapers. I tried every kind of soap made for front loaders and cloth diapers but I was still stuck putting smelly (although "clean") diapers on my little guy. Through research and trial and error, I have come up with a nice, simple recipe that works great for both front loaders and top loaders (but better for top loaders, heehee).
For the recipe I used equal parts Washing Soda, baking soda, and powdered Oxy Clean. I then added some lime essential oils (a few shakes) for fun, but also for the boost from the acid to cut the smell of the ammonia in the pee. I usually just do 1 cup of each and mix by shaking it in a little container, then add the drops of lime and shake again. I did use a metal whisk to get rid of any lumps from the oil but you don't need to if it doesn't clump.
There you have it, diaper detergent! Now I will let you know my routine for washing.
Since my little guy isn't so little anymore (19 months tomorrow), he goes through less diapers than he did when he was little so I am finding myself washing them less frequently, about every 3 days, but it's generally recommended that you wash every other day to avoid bacteria build up and the dreaded stinkies.
*Note: this is the method I use for my top loader. For front loaders you can follow the same steps, adding more rinses at the end, and possibly an additional wash to make sure the dipes are clean. Also, I use pocket diapers with microfiber inserts.
Step 1: (make sure most of the poop has been sprayed off before soaking or else you're just soaking in poop water, I use a bumGenius sprayer attached to our toilet)
Only do this step if you have a bad case of the stinkies, if stink isn't a huge issue, start at Step 2.
Soak those dirty diapers in cold water for a couple hours or over night with no detergent added. Luckily our new washer has a setting to soak during one of it's wash cycles, so I just use that. Make sure your water setting is to super or the highest water setting. If you have a bad case of the stinkies you can soak over night with 3 Tbsp of detergent and follow the remaining steps.
Step 2:
Pre-wash cycle on COLD (my washer has a short pre-wash setting, but you could just run your shortest load if no pre-wash on your washer)
Step 3:
Regular or super wash with HOT water with about 2 Tbsp of detergent
Step 4:
Regular wash on COLD, no detergent
Step 5:
Repeat step 4. My machine has an option for a second rinse, which I usually turn on for step 3. Or you can just run a rinse cycle or 2.
Step 6:
Dry. I love hanging my diapers to dry outside on the line in the sunshine. The sun bleaches the stains and I find that if there was any smell (there shouldn't be) the breeze blows it away. Or, if it's mostly winter where you are (like it is for me, bye-bye summer), you can dry your diapers in the dryer or hang to dry inside.
I hope you have diapers that smell like, well, nothing! If you find they still smell you might need to do a good soak over night again. You can also stick your head in the washer after step 3 and if they still smell, repeat step 3 (or 4 if you want to save some $ on your gas bill). Good luck!!
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